Yes! I've finally get my hands on this Nikon DSLR, I'm crazy about it right now!... I love to take pictures but seems that digital camera wasn't good enough for night scenes. I have a Canon SLR but has never learnt to use it fully, so now, I'm not gonna let my Nikon DSLR go into waste, I've signed for a workshop to learn more about this camera, after that, I would be taking up a photography course on DSLR! Looking forward to that... yippee!
Is this a New Year present or Christmas present?
I also wishing you a "Happy Lunar New Year".
★ 新年快乐,万事如意, ★
☆★ 五福临门,心想事成,辛福快乐 ★☆
☆☆★ 最后恭祝大家“恭喜发财”
。。。2009年发发发。 ★☆☆
祝您和家人在新的一年里: 芝麻开花节节高 ☺ 好事连连 ☺ 好运源源 ☺ 吉祥如意 ☺ 花开富贵 ☺ 金玉满堂 ☺ 福禄寿禧 $财源广进$
♦♦♦♦♦♦ 新年快乐 ♦♦♦♦♦♦
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