Thursday, May 22, 2008


My dad's birthday falls on Vesak Day but we celebrated this joyous occasion on last Sunday. It's my dad's 88th Birthday (wow!)... My dad and mum went through a lot of hardship and it's really tough on them to bring up ten children (I'm the youngest) at that time, but then, I didn't really treasure them in my much younger days... I realised it's not easy on them to raise us and gave us the best that they can.

When I was in my teenage, I really didn't care much about my parents and sometimes, I really find them naggy and to certain extent, I would ask myself how come they can't provide me with much better things as compared to my peers, they're having such a good life but I'm not. My dad used to be a hawker and I've to start to help out at the stall as early as 5am on weekends during my primary to secondary school days. But as I slowly grew up, I appreciate the fact that I actually went through these hardship and I've learned so much more in life.

Few years back, my dad was diagnosed with lung cancer and when I went to hospital to visit him, the doctor told me he has only one more year left to live. My heart was crashed and I remembered calling my brother but I just kept crying and I simply can't talk over the phone. We decided not to let my dad knows about his condition and let him undergo the chemotherapy, we're so happy that my dad has fully recovered (even the doctor found it amazing) and he's living healthily until now. Although my dad was diagnosed with dementia last year (after a fall), we're still happy to have him here even though he can't recognise us some times. I still remembered last Sunday when we all gathered together and he kept asking who is this, who is that... He was so surprised and told us he didn't know he has so many children, he's really adorable... I guess my dad was considered as one of those fortunate family man, he's so many children who's still looking after him and he has... hmmm... 18 grandchildren and one great grandchildren.

If you happen to read my post, I really hope you're one of those who'll treasure the ones around you, if you're not, please start doing so. We've seen lots of cases where people regretted when their loved ones are no longer in this world, it'll really be too late by then.
Let's not look at the past or plan so much for the future, let's just treasure the ones around us --- NOW...

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


前几天在报章读到一则新闻,说拯救行动的成功率将越来越小,几乎是零。 听了好心寒,因为我们深深知道还有好多人还被埋在废堆里。不过今天新闻报道拯救队伍成功救出一名生还者,令我高兴又感动。试想想,五月十二日至今,已经八天了,能够生存下来,是多么不可思议的事。虽让希望越来越渺茫,但我祈祷下一刻仍会发生奇迹。


"When heaven reduces my fortune, I will respond to my loss by establishing greater virtues.
When heaven exhausts my heart, I shall return such fatigue, by bearing a carefree mind.
When heaven makes my fate difficult, I shall make it smoother by practising good deeds.
When heaven brings me hard times, I shall make my life joyful by enjoying the presence of Dao."

No matter what has happened in our life, we should cherish all the opportunities we are given to open up a new life. This is what is meant by establishing a true purpose in life.

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Heard from my supervisor that one of my colleague is tendering her resignation today. I was shocked to hear that and what 'shocked' me even further was that she actually told my big boss that she's quitting because she can no longer work under my big boss. She literally threw this reason in front of my big boss...

From my point of view, I just feel that she might be doing herself a great disfavor. My big boss only joined the company in Mar this year and it would be unfair to say she can no longer work with my big boss. Even if this is so, it might not be right for her to say that my big boss is the reason for he resignation. First of all, my big boss might not feel good (especially when she joined only less than 2 months), secondly, she's making herself having one more enemy than a friend. Singapore is such a small world, what if they end up in the same company again in future, ?? You'll never know...

Sometimes, we have to reflect on ourselves before we put the blame on others. People in today's society is so used to shifting blame on others and they've not reflected whether they've done any better.

There is this saying:
What we encounter is due to our own actions, we can blame neither heaven nor other people.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Bottle Tree Park @ Yishun

Went to this place at Yishun (near Khatib MRT station) last weekend with my family for dinner... The food is considered okay but what attracts me most is the environment, look at the pictures which I've posted and you'll probably understand why...

Life has changed for the better...

It's been weeks since I last posted on April... Somehow my life has changed for the better... All thanks to my friend, Kelvin... I've known him for about 20 years and for the past ten years, he has been devoting his time on 'Tao' (道)... On and off he'll come back to SG and that's when we'll meet up and catch up with each other. He has previously mentioned to me about 'Tao', and though I did believe in it, it didn't come to my mind that I'll spend my time in this aspect. Just weeks ago, he came back to SG again and during that point of time, I was troubled and feeling depressed over some personal matters and there's where he talked to me and advised me on alot of things. Somehow, I felt that what he said is really true and I decided to 'take up' 'Tao'.

I really feel that life has been much better and I'm now a much more happier person... Nothing in this world is destined, for a person is the one controlling your life and you're the owner to it.

I'll be creating a blog and hope I can post meaningful things which I've read in books or I've learned during my lessons.

It's not about Buddhism, Christianity, Confuscianism, Taoism or Muslim... For all five great religious are coming together as one...