Hi Qin,
As per your request, I'm trying my best to demonstrate to you how to make use of the cable ties to solve the problem.
Step 1. Depending on your air con size, I'm currently using about 24pcs of 8 inch cable ties (12 pcs each) for my bro's air-con. But I guess it should be about the same.
Step 2 & 3. Hook up the cable ties at the end until you get a total of 12pcs. Place the pre-cut rubber mattress on top of your air-con and try to surround the aircon with the cable tie (as it's pretty long, it is not dangerous for me to do so even though the aircon is outside. I'm not sure for your air-con, if it's not long enough for you to do so, then try extend the length of your cable tie by adding a few more strips). Then fasten the rubber mattress as per Step 4 and it's done!
Repeat the same step so that there are two cable tie strips surrounding your air-con.
My brother has been complaining for years that he has difficulty falling asleep when it's raining heavily, 'all thanks' to his air-con unit that's causing the noise... He's tried various attempts to cover up his aircon with rubber mattress by using double-sided foam tape but to no avail cuz the tape will no longer be sticky when it comes in contact with heat...
I've finally come up with a way (that's cheap and easy by using cable tie) to solve his problem today! What an ingenious way to doing things, haha!
Hi Kat,
I also having this problem and thinking of ways but didn't try beacuse know they won't work because of water and heat! But how do you tie? is outside, very dangerous lei.
Can share how you tie? Thx.
Hi Kat,
Thx so much! but still don't quite get how you managed to make the cable "hook" to the air con. is it you have to keep trying to "throw the U-shaped cable (that is, the cable is not tied together to form a circle yet?)
May I know where do you buy the cable and the rubber thing? and how much?
Hi Qin,
YOu're right, you need to throw the U shaped cable tie on the air con first, then finally fasten it with a final knot.
You can easily find those cable from D.I.Y shop or 五金店. As for the rubber mattress, you can get it from those shops that sells bowls, mops, etc.
Hi Kat,
Thkx so much!
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