Saturday, June 9, 2007

我看了Pirates of the Caribbean

昨晚看了这部电影,觉得没上一集好看,而且故事情节有点拖拖拉拉。因为知道在电影结束后会交待男女主角的剧情,我和我的朋友便留下来瞧一瞧。。。没想到这一等,便需要大约十分钟的时间,我的朋友还开玩的说这部电影并不是太多人演,为何会出现那么多的名字,真是让我啼笑皆非。这一等就为了那几十秒的剧情,而我只有一个感想 ——多余也。。。


Nicole Hah said...


i had seen last tuesday, ya i agree what you said! is a bit boring, and also very long to waiting for the end show!

Kat said...

The show is really draggy and I'm actually kinda disappointed... Anyway, I'm looking forward to Fantastic 4 & Transformers!